成为一个 Kaia 大使

帮助发展和教育 Kaia 社区


驻华大使 风格


Kaia 品牌大使是充满激情的倡导者,他们以真实和热情代表 Kaia 品牌。他们与社区互动,分享品牌愿景,并通过各种社交和数字渠道帮助提高知名度。通过体现Kaia的价值观和美学,它们在扩大我们的影响力和影响力方面发挥了关键作用。


开发大使是技术专家,在开发者社区内支持和推广 Kaia 平台。他们通过提供见解、分享知识和演示基于 Kaia 的创新项目来做出贡献。他们的参与确保了开发者生态系统保持活力、协作性和前瞻性。

生命中的一天 大使


与 Kaia 开发者社区互动



构建 你的职业生涯

加入 蓬勃发展的生态系统

贡献给 增长


历任大使 成就

分组组织研究研讨会,听取 Kaia 开发人员对方向和方法的反馈


代表 Kaia 参加各种全球开发者活动,展示我们的创新并参与国际讨论。


深入了解我们的 Kaia 大使发表的一些文章。

提交你的 应用程序

积极为充满活力和积极的 Kaia 社区做出贡献,从而产生重大影响!如果你充满激情,消息灵通,渴望推广 Kaia 生态系统,可以考虑立即加入我们的大使计划!

Frequently Asked Questions

How will my performance be evaluated as an ambassador?

Performance is evaluated based on your engagement, content creation, event participation, and overall contribution to the community. Regular feedback sessions will help you understand your impact and areas for improvement.

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How can I stay updated on the latest developments and opportunities as an ambassador?

Ambassadors are subscribed to our newsletter, invited to regular webinars and community calls, and added to our exclusive communication channels, where we share updates, opportunities, and important announcements.

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What opportunities for advancement exist within the ambassador program?

Exceptional ambassadors may have the chance to be onboarded as Kaia Interns or Developer Advocates. These positions come with additional responsibilities and rewards and provide a path for professional growth

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Can I be an ambassador if I am involved with other blockchain projects?

While we encourage diverse blockchain involvement, we ask that you disclose any affiliations with other projects during your application. We review potential conflicts of interest case-by-case to ensure alignment with our goals.

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What kind of support will I receive as an ambassador?

Ambassadors receive ongoing support from our community managers, access to a resource library, regular training sessions, and a dedicated communication channel for direct assistance and collaboration.

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