September 2, 2024

Korea Economic Daily

The Korea Economic Daily, the predecessor to the Hankyung Media Group, was created with the corporate mission of nurturing liberal democracy and a market economy on the peninsula. Its large magnitude of readership is thanks to the high-quality news and information. With providing responsible and reasonable criticism on government policies as well as practical solutions, the newspaper stays ahead in building trusts from opinion leaders.

The Korea Economic Broadcasting boasts the largest market share in financial broadcasting. Hankyung.com, an online news platform, ranked No.1 in terms of website traffic among financial media outlets. Hankyung Magazine is also top ranked in terms of its subscriber count, thanks to its Mook publication series and the weekly magazines. Hankyung BP is the publisher of multiple best sellers in the business publication arena.

Hankyung arteTV, a high-quality cultural broadcasting channel, and the Hankyung artePhilharmonic orchestra are also part of the Hankyung family. Including the Fortune Hills Country Club located in the Seoul metropolitan area, some 10 affiliates make up the Hankyung Media Group.

Bloomingbit, a blockchain subsidiary of Hankyung Media Group, was established to focus on blockchain and cryptocurrency business capabilities within the group companies. Bloomingbit is operating a cryptocurrency investment information platform 'Bloomingbit'. It has approximately 130k users, and provides services such as news, community, social trading, and portfolio management.


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