になりましょう カイアアンバサダー



のアンバサダー スタイル




デベロッパーアンバサダーは、開発者コミュニティ内で Kaia プラットフォームをサポートし宣伝する技術専門家です。彼らは洞察を提供し、知識を共有し、Kaia で構築された革新的なプロジェクトを実証することで貢献しています。彼らの関与により、開発者エコシステムは活気にあふれ、協調的で、将来を見据えたものであり続けることができます。

人生の一日 大使


Kaia 開発者コミュニティとの交流



ビルド あなたの経歴

に参加する 繁栄するエコシステム

への貢献 成長

報酬 そして 認識

歴代アンバサダー 実績





Kaia アンバサダーが公開した記事を詳しく見てみましょう。

あなたを送信 応用


Frequently Asked Questions

I have a full-time job. Can I still apply for the ambassador program?

Absolutely! We understand that many of our ambassadors have full-time jobs. The program is designed to be flexible, allowing you to contribute a few hours per week at times that fit your schedule. You can successfully balance your full-time job and ambassador responsibilities as long as you can dedicate consistent effort and meet our engagement expectations.

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Is there a token reward?

Yes, there is a token reward for ambassadors. Rewards are based on your level of engagement, the quality and impact of your contributions, and overall participation in the program. Specifics regarding the amount and distribution schedule will be provided upon acceptance into the program and are aligned with our performance evaluation criteria.

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How long is the commitment for ambassadors?

As mentioned in 1, ambassadors must commit for at least six months. This allows sufficient time to get involved, contribute meaningfully, and see the impact of your efforts.

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How long is the ambassador program?

The ambassador program typically lasts for six months. This period allows ambassadors to get fully integrated, contribute significantly, and see the impact of their efforts. Depending on your performance and mutual interest, there may be opportunities to extend or renew your ambassadorship for additional terms.

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