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Frequently Asked Questions

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What do DApps on Finschia need to do to migrate to Kaia?

For DApps in the Finschia ecosystem to migrate to Kaia, a process similar to migrating from a Cosmwasm chain to an EVM chain is required. Additional migration support will be shared once available, but if you need immediate assistance please contact Finschia Foundation. 

DApp Builders

Why is the KAIA coin launching later than the Kaia mainnet?

This is due to varying lead time requirements from the multitude of centralized exchanges that have KLAY listed. To avoid confusion where some CEXes list the token as KAIA and some as KLAY, a decision was made to synchronize the ticker transition from KLAY to KAIA across all CEXes, DEXes, DApps, and wallets.

KLAY and FNSA holders

What will happen to KLAY and FNSA?

Once the KAIA coin launches, your KLAY balance will automatically be reflected as KAIA. When the Kaia Portal goes live, FNSA holders will be able to utilize its swap service to burn their FNSA tokens on the Finschia network and claim an equivalent value of KLAY tokens in preparation for the KLAY to KAIA transition. Please read this post to learn more about swapping your FNSA to KLAY.

KLAY and FNSA holders